Simplicity – MWM #3

This week’s slice (literally) of mid-week mindfulness is about simplicity.
Simplicity of ingredients, simplicity of process and simplicity of feeling and connection…
This blood/blush orange, in season right now, is a great tool to practice with. Select a single item of fruit to sit down with and take your time over, taking a few breaths before you start. With kids Clementines are often used but you could use any fruit you like – first look at it, study it and look at the shapes on the surface. Then touch it and see how it feels, is it smooth or bobbly, cold or warm, what does the pip feel like and what about digging a nail into the skin?
Smell it and then continue the process through peeling (taste the pith, look at the white inner skin and feel the feeling of your fingers pushing through the skin to seperate it from the fruit), listening to the noise as it crackles almost as the pith breaks away from the flesh inside.
Follow your journey all the way through eating to savour the sweet flavours, before rejoining the rest of your day. It can do wonders for all of us to take this time over one single item!
Simple pleasures 🙏

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