Bug Busting Magic Potion

It’s January, it’s dark more than it’s light and we really should be hibernating!

Tiredness catches up with us and there’s only so many healthy clean vegetable meals and new exercise routines we can handle (when really we want to be curled up under 6 blankets eating carbs)..

In our house we’ve gone through a collective 3 bugs so far since the start of the month with the 5yr old off from school twice and passing it on to me for a glorious 10 days. Joy!

Viruses start to come into full swing this month & Feb and before you know it we get stuck in a cycle of illness with children picking up bugs in the swamp of school and nurseries and passing it on to parent…who struggles through and passes it back to child. Fun times.

So, with that in mind here’s a quick and easy powerful tonic to give everyone in the family a daily immune boost and help ward off those swamp bugs…


1 TBSP grated ginger

0.5 TBSP grated turmeric

Zest & juice of 1 lemon

4 TBSP honey (preferably raw)

3 TBSP apple cider vinegar (preferably organic and raw)

1 TBSP ground turmeric

Mix together and keep in a glass jar in the fridge for up to 2 weeks (if it lasts that long!).

Have a 1 TBSP shot daily or dilute in warm water for a soothing drink.

Good luck Bug Busting!

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