The 1 Week Rule – MWM #14

This week for our mid-week pause/mindfulness we’re looking at the issue of what we like to call ‘particular eating’ but what is often called fussy or picky eating, and the anxiety that this can provoke in us parents. 😬 So … Read More

Silent Eating – MWM #11

Mid-week mindfulness this week is perhaps on the surface of it not so easy..silent eating! 🤐 This has come up now because earlier in the week I had a conversation with a friend explaining what the little brass bell we … Read More

Listen to your body – MWM #6

Mid-week mindfulness this week comes hot on the tail of the news yesterday about calorie counting and dropping our calorie intake. While we don’t really agree with calorie counting as an effective way to eat healthily, it’s true that we … Read More

Healthy eating – MWM #5

Our mid-week mindful moment comes in the form of what is healthy, and eating with our whole body in mind. 🥑 So many mixed messages out there about health, but with recent news reports highlighting the ever growing reliance on … Read More