Rosy Rhubarb

🌸 We’re flying the Rhubarb flag this month, and enjoying a whole lot of this tart yet tasty veggie..
❓Did you know that earliest records of this vegetable date back to 2700BC where it was grown in China for medicinal reasons (rather than for crumbles and pies 😋..) ☠️ The shape of the long stalks gives us a useful clue as to why it’s good for us – the high amounts of vitamin K and calcium support our bones plus it’s got high levels of soluble fibre which helps the digestion.
🍯 However, it’s super tart flavour does mean it gets sweetened to make it palatable and we end up using it like a fruit for puddings and cakes.. Watch for how you sweeten it and consider trying out using the tart sourness to compliment things like oily fish or meat (🦆duck and 🐖 pork work well)..a rhubarb chutney can be 👌
👩‍🍳 We discovered through our recipe testing that the rich flavour of unrefined molasses sugar works beautifully with it when roasted or baked into a cake! 🌱 It’s also a fab easy plant to grow in a shady garden patch and fun for kids to watch grow..
Note : don’t eat the leaves as they’re packed with poisonous Oxalic Acid and you’ve got about a month left ’til the season is officially over (though it can be pushed a little bit..)
💗 More rhubarb ideas to follow..
Anyone else got any new rhubarb ideas?

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